Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tips for getting along with housemates

Tips for getting along with housemates
By: Marissa Anteby

Ahhh, the summer is here. Lazy days at the beach and long nights with friends. What could be better. Well, less housemates would be! For some people the summer brings with it, an annual pilgrimage to bunking with friends or extended family. While all this bonding time can be the stuff fond memories are made of, it also takes a toll on everyone’s nerves. Here’s a few things to keep in mind so you might actually enjoy being under one roof with a ton of people.

1- Choose to see the good.
Make a choice to be happy. Sure, when things are going well and everyone is getting along, it's easy to see the good. But, for those times when you find it difficult to appreciate a particular situation, look for just one little aspect that you can be thankful for. Keep seeking out the good and you will find it, and it will find you. Remember, you are responsible for your own good time.

2- Set an intention.
It can be as simple as, promising yourself that you won’t raise your voice during heated ‘discussions,‘ to something as hard as not allowing the mess of clothes and wet towels in the bathroom to unnerve you. Remind yourself as often as possible that you are on a mission to keep your intention. Obstacles will present themselves, just keep your wits about you and your intention clear and in focus.

3- Lighten up.
Find the hilarity in minor predicaments, laughing at yourself can help soften the mood in the house. Look for ways to lighten the tension by being flexible with your usual routine or standard house rules. Avoid confrontation by defusing volatile situations early. For example, if things get rowdy, instead of trying in vain to get people to pipe down, take the fun outside where everyone is less confined and noise dissipates.

4- Know your escape route.
It’s not enough to look for the good, have an intention, and relax your grip on your normal rules, you also need helpful tricks to get you through any spontaneous drama. Only you know what works for you. Will a morning jog help give you a storehouse of patience for the rest of the day? Or perhaps an early evening drive to watch the sunset will give you a much needed break. Whatever it is, find a way to schedule in some time alone. This way, when you’re back to the reality of people everywhere, you won’t be as overwhelmed.

This is a summer getaway after all, so don’t torture yourself with unnecessary issues. Deal with what comes up and move on. This may mean turning a deaf ear to complaints or criticism, but it will undoubtedly save your sanity. Your housemates are doing the best they can too. Maybe your awareness to choosing to live a happier life will rub off on them. But if it doesn’t, don’t try to enlighten them. Turn your attention back to yourself, and work towards being happy for you. The shift in your attitude will be enough to get you through the summer in tact.

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